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AFC Urgent Care Warrington, PA is now Open!
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PCR Test:
Rapid Antigen Point of Care Test:
AFC Urgent Care Warrington has PCR, COVID-19 antigen, and antibody testing capabilities at our center. If you have COVID-19 symptoms, getting tested is a two-step process. The first step is to schedule a visit with one of our medical providers. They will help you decide which test is right for you. During most visits, a COVID-19 test will be administered to you by our trained staff. There are times when this test is unavailable due to testing supply shortages. We will inform you if this test is unavailable before you arrive at our urgent care center.
Click Here to book a COVID-19 test visit. Select “Illness” and then enter “Suspected Exposure to COVID-19” in the following “Anything else we should know?” field.
While walk-in appointments are available, we ask that you call from outside the center before entering if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. Scheduling an appointment is highly recommended as this allows AFC Urgent Care Warrington to mitigate the spread of the virus within the center properly. Click Here to book an appointment, or call our center directly at 610-518-1060.
It is believed the PCR test is the most accurate to determine if you are positive with variants since genomic testing can be performed in the lab running your test.
Normally, COVID-19 test results return in 1 to 3 days. During periods of high demand for COVID-19 testing, results may take 7-10 days. We use LabCorp to process our COVID-19 tests, and the time it takes to get results can change daily. Our provider will do their best to give you an estimation of when test results are expected, but a time for returned results cannot be guaranteed. The antibody test results generally take 1 to 3 days.
Currently, insurance is covering PCR COVID-19 tests for all symptomatic patients. Patients without symptoms wanting to be tested for personal reasons unrelated to illness may have to pay out of pocket to be tested or pay a portion of their bill. Please check with your insurance regarding your latest benefits regarding COVID-19 testing.
No referral is needed at this time.
If you have symptoms of COVID-19 or are asymptomatic but have been exposed to a person with COVID-19, please call the office at {custom_phone} before coming to our center!
Our neighbors in Warrington may have some questions about the coronavirus. Below are some common questions and answers to them. This page will be kept up to date as best as possible but needs to be updated in real time. For real-time information, please visit CDC Website.
Yes, you can be tested for an active virus or antibodies to the virus. Depending on the test you desire or need, you may need an office visit to use your insurance. During your visit, you and the provider will discuss the appropriate test for you. From there, in most cases, you will receive a COVID-19 test that is right for you.
This coronavirus shares many symptoms of the flu, a common cold, or a regular upper respiratory infection. According to the CDC, current COVID-19 symptoms include:
Seek immediate medical care the following symptoms develop:
This coronavirus, however, can develop severe complications, including:
While it is unknown how long symptoms take to appear, doctors agree they generally appear within two to fourteen days after exposure. Some information indicates that some infected might not even show symptoms but may still be contagious.
What are the symptoms of the COVID-19 variant, omicron BA. 2.75?
The FDA has approved several COVID-19 vaccines. They are not available at our location but are widely available at no cost at nearby pharmacies. Ask our staff for help if you need assistance finding a location near you offering COVID-19 vaccines.
This virus originated from an animal that remains unidentified. However, one can become infected by person-to-person transmission. This virus is quite contagious.
The guidelines for preventing the flu can be used to protect you from COVID-19. These guidelines are:
For additional protection
Yes! An antibody test is available at our urgent care center.
Serology testing is not intended as a diagnostic test for patients exhibiting symptoms consistent with COVID-19. Serology testing should be used only for patients diagnosed with COVID-19 or with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 confirmed by a physician to have recovered. It may also be used when an individual thinks they might have had COVID-19 and needs confirmation. In either case, the serology test is only for people who are well and/or recovered.
Serology testing should not be used as the sole basis for a diagnosis nor assurance of immunity. There have been cases where a person is known to have antibodies and becomes re-infected. Viruses can mutate. The COVID virus is similar to other common cold viruses, so it is possible to become sick again even if you are tested and have antibodies.
Early published literature suggests that an antibody response may be detected in about 30% of patients 4 days after the onset of symptoms and in 75% of patients by 8-10 days. The longer you wait after your illness, the more likely you will be to have the antibodies tested by the IgG test we are currently offering.
The most likely use of this test is to investigate:
There are antibody tests that can identify an active virus. We are currently not testing for those antibodies. We are testing for long-term antibodies, IgG, so you need to wait until after you are asymptomatic to get this test. Furthermore, results from antibody testing should not be used as the sole basis to diagnose or exclude COVID-19 infection or to inform infection status.
A positive serologic result indicates that an individual has likely produced an immune response to the COVID-19 virus. A negative serologic result suggests that an individual has not developed detectable antibodies at the testing time.
While contingent on various factors, a negative result could be due to testing too early in the course of infection, the absence of exposure to the virus, or the lack of an adequate immune response, which can be due to conditions or treatments that suppress immune function, confirmation of infection with COVID-19 must be made through a combination of clinical evaluation and other applicable tests.
Pre-RegisterWe offer a rapid test because they provide highly reliable results on the spot; however, they do produce more false negatives than the RT-PCR COVID-19 Test. Doing both tests is our way of ensuring that you get the most accurate results possible without having to put your life on hold.
We're able to get many patients in and out in a matter of minutes, but the length of time you'll spend in our clinic will depend on wait times that day. Our rapid test will usually have results within 60 minutes. Our PCR test takes 1 to 3 days to process.
That will ultimately depend on your insurance coverage and your plan’s deductible, copay, or co-insurance. If you're uninsured, AFC's cash pay prices are highly competitive – contact us for the details.
CALL US TODAY | (215) 874-3209
Call (215) 874-3209 for more information about our Warrington urgent care services.