Dispelling Common Health Myths for Patients

June 20, 2019

" It seems like everywhere you look you’re bombarded with health info. From TV shows and magazine covers to friends and family who want to share their wisdom, there’s no shortage of health myths being thrown out there each day. Today we’re going to dispel some of the most common health myths that you probably hear all the time! Your Body Needs to Detox Many celebrities and normal people alike talk about detoxing ...

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How to Motivate Yourself into Healthy Eating Habits

June 11, 2019

" If you’re like many people, you probably aren’t satisfied with your current eating habits. You know you need to improve on them, but the thought of actually doing so just seems so daunting. The key to making successful changes to your eating habits comes from finding the right motivation and we’re happy to help you do that! Track What You Eat There’s no better way to motivate positive behavior than by ...

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Evidence-Based Nutrition Tips to Improve Overall Health

May 8, 2019

" Every time you get online you’re bombarded with nutrition and health advice, but sadly, a lot of that information isn’t reliable. Fad diets and misinformation leads to advice that could actually be doing more harm than good. We’re here to arm you with some nutrition tips that are actually evidence based that you know you can rely on! Additionally, we’ve provided some basic fitness guidelines as well to help produce the ...

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The Top 7 Most Common Chronic Diseases in the U.S

April 16, 2019

" Are you suffering from a chronic medical condition? If not, then at least one person you know, and love surely is. That can be said with certainty because according to a recent CDC survey, 6 in every 10 US citizens are suffering from at least one chronic illness. Up to 4 of those ten are suffering from more than one chronic disease at a time. With statistics that high, it’s important that you know ...

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How to Treat, Screen, and Manage STDs

April 16, 2019

" Sexually transmitted diseases, commonly referred to as STDs, are a topic that holds a negative stigma in the minds of most people. This stigma has led to a lack of conversation and education about the topic. As fewer people know about STDs, more and more people are becoming affected. We’re here to help break the stigma and educate you on everything you need to know regarding the treatment, screening, and management of STDs. STD ...

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Common Youth Sports Injuries to Watch for

March 21, 2019

" Youth sports are a great way for your child to exercise more frequently, socialize, and create a new hobby. But did you know millions of student athletes get injuries each year during school sports? Nearly 3.2 million children each year experience a sports-related injury. In addition, sports injuries were the leading cause of hospitalizations for children between the ages of 12 and 17. However, most sports injuries are highly preventable. Medical experts recommend that ...

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First Aid Basics for Sports Injuries

March 21, 2019

" Sports injuries are a common occurrence whether you are playing in professional or amateur athletics. Especially for young children sports injuries are likely to occur during athletic competition. As covered in our last blog, common sports injuries include sprains, muscle tweaks, knee injuries, and also head injuries. To prevent further injury after sports completion you may have to perform first aid. The benefits of first aid include being able to safely transport a patient to ...

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Vaccinations Must-Knows: What are they and how do they keep you healthy?

February 25, 2019

" Vaccinations, otherwise known as “shots,” are currently a part of larger national conversations about preventing harmful diseases and helping young children build immunity to dangerous viruses. Measles outbreaks across the country have occurred in 10 states, according to data from the CDC. Many of these outbreaks were the result of parents and anti-vaccination groups preventing their children from getting vaccines. While medical providers have dispelled common myths about vaccinations, many individuals are still confused about ...

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Heart Disease 101: How to manage potential heart disease risk factors

February 25, 2019

" If you have heart disease, then you may have experienced increased worry, stress, or caution when making most decisions. Individuals that have increased risks for heart disease are not alone since heart health issues are extremely prevalent across the U.S. Research funded by the American Heart Association found that cardiovascular disease and heart health issues account for 836,546 deaths annually while roughly 2,300 Americans die of a cardiovascular disease every day. Furthermore ...

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The Best Use Cases for Urgent Care Centers

January 16, 2019

" Urgent care centers provide a fantastic healthcare resource for local communities: fast, affordable, and convenient medical service. Many urgent care centers also provide preventive care without the need for an appointment, so patients can walk in and receive care whenever their schedule is open. But most patients are not sure what types of services are provided under urgent care. A handful of patients may be surprised to learn that most urgent care centers provide comprehensive ...

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