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Child Hygiene Tips for the New School Year!

September 27, 2019


The new school year has kicked off, which means it is time to enjoy the fall as well as the time you get from your kids going to school. But that doesn’t mean taking care of your children’s healthcare needs continues to stop!
About two or three weeks into the school year, your child may all of a sudden get sick and need to get immediate illness and seasonal treatment.  It can seem like this period of illness is inevitable, but there are a few steps to help you stay hygienic during the school year! 

Teach your youngest children basic hygiene tips frequently

If your children are older, they may be beyond the “teachable” stage. But with younger kids, you can stress the importance of hand-washing.
One great tip is to teach them to sing a short song while they wash their hands, to be sure they aren’t washing them too quickly. Remind them to always use soap and water. You can also give your child a small container of antibacterial hand sanitizer to use. 

Teach your children to cough and sneeze away from their hands, other people 

Many children (and adults) sneeze or cough into their hands. It is actually more hygienic to sneeze into the crook of one’s arm. A fun way to introduce this technique and help it stick in your child’s mind is to name it the “vampire sneeze.” Your child will raise his or her arm and sneeze, rather than into their hand. 
Make sure that your children learn to generally avoid touching other people when they have, or another person, has the flu. Basic intervention can help avoid a nasty flu virus. 

Teach your children about germs and flu sickness

Explain to your children how sickness occurs. Explain contamination and how they can avoid getting sick, even if their friends are. There are many children’s books available that discuss germs in an age-appropriate way. 
Following these tips and helping your child stay hygienic will help keep sickness away. In the event that your child does get the flu, or another illness, visit an urgent care nearby for prompt and affordable treatment. 

Get up-to-date flu vaccines for the family! 

Some argue that flu vaccines aren’t worth getting because even those who are vaccinated could end up getting the flu. While the flu vaccine does not guard against all strains of the flu, it does protect against some of the more deadly strains as well as those most likely to be passed around that season. 
Many doctor’s offices now have “shot blockers” that help reduce the pain from vaccines, if your child is hesitant to receive his or her shot.



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