May is Hypertension Awareness Month, and so we are taking this opportunity to discuss the health risks caused by untreated high blood pressure, also known as high blood pressure hypertension, as well as what you can do to control and treat high blood pressure.
Approximately one in every 3 Americans have high blood pressure, according to 2012 CDC statistics. Approximately 70 million people; these are epidemic proportions. The concern is that out of those approximate 70 million, almost half of those are unaware that they have high blood pressure, and so are not being treated for it.
High blood pressure is an especially dangerous condition for those who have co-existing conditions such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, or those who have suffered a stroke or heart attack in the past. For these people especially, it is very important that they take proper measures to control their high blood pressure, much of which can be done without medication.
How to control high blood pressure hypertension
Healthy life choices such as:
- a heart healthy diet of lean proteins, fruits and vegetables,
- limiting alcohol intake
- quitting smoking
- exercising
- and stress control, perhaps with activities like yoga or meditation
Of course there are times when medication is necessary, and we treat the symptoms of high blood pressure hypertension with fairly inexpensive, effective medications such as Lasix or Avapro which will help keep your hypertension under control. The first step is to get screened for high blood pressure. At we are here to help screen, treat and help you control high blood pressure.