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Mommy Minute on FOX CT talks concussions with Dr Brown

May 6, 2021

The way we view concussions and their seriousness has changed recently. In light of several changes brought to light by the NFL & MLB, concussions are now taken extremely seriously. In addition to now being classified as a brain injury, studies show that concussions can have effects that manifest later on in life. CT is in the forefront of taking this seriously. Recently, it has become a requirement for student athletes and their parents to be aware of the signs & symptoms of concussions, as well as the procedures and steps that need to be taken before returning to play once a concussion is suspected to have occurred. The saying “When in Doubt, Sit it Out” is beginning to gain popularity… as it should. Recently, Sarah Cody of FOX CT visited us at Urgent Care in West Hartford. Along with a local student athlete who suffered a concussion while playing hockey for the Hall High School & Conard High School girls ice hockey team in West Hartford. Medical Director Dr. Tom Brown sat down with the family to discuss the seriousness of the injury. Sarah Cody & the Mommy Minute CT team joined to help educate the public on the regulatory changes for concussions and the new requirements student athletes as well as their parents will need to meet before getting on the field. The Law will allow parents and students to receive the required information in a number of ways.

      • Video
      • Written Materials
      • In-Person
      • Online

Once the state released the approved materials that it would like the parents of student athletes to have, they will be available at our center. Our Doctors & staff will also be available at the centers to help families understand all the concussion related info.  Dr. Brown explains outlines what to look for specifically if your child has had a blow to the head and concussion is suspected in this Medical Minute .

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