Have a child entering school in a few weeks? How about a college Freshman about to leave for fall semester? It’s time to check off important medical prerequisites before sending them off to school.
AFC Urgent Care West Hartford is aware that the coronavirus pandemic is concerning parents about their children returning to school safely. Questions like, “What immunizations or testing does my child need in order to return to school?” are important to ask and stay informed about so that your loved one gets the right immunizations and continued COVID-19 tests in order to attend school in the fall. Here is your guide on School Immunizations and COVID-19 tests for students in 2020.
Schools require updated immunizations
Children are especially more at risk of getting sick because their immune systems are still in development. Schools require updated immunizations for enrollment, sports and yearly check ups to ensure that students are healthy and safe from potential life threatening diseases.
If your child is away at school, they are more prone to getting sick from irregular sleeping habits, unsanitary living situations and many more infections. Most schools have large populations of students which is a higher risk of your child being exposed to the flu or other diseases. Don’t make that mistake of not getting your student vaccinated before going to school.
If you haven’t updated your child’s immunizations in a while or are unsure what types of vaccinations are needed, here is a recommended child and adolescent immunization schedule that lists types of vaccines and renewals for ages 0-18 years. There you can learn more about the different types of diseases and their appropriate vaccines.
Vaccines required for college students
Vaccination requirements often differ from college to college for incoming college Freshman who will be living in the dorms. Don’t know what’s required for your child’s particular school? Look on the college website for Health Services where the (now updated to include COVID-19 provisions and requirements) will usually be listed. If not, contact them directly. They’re always happy to guide you or your student with the necessary info and the paperwork they will need to submit upon arrival. the most common vaccines that are required before enrollment are:
- Meningitis
- Hepatitis B
- Influenza
- Tetanus
- Diphtheria
- Pertussis
Not sure about what vaccinations your college student got last? You can always contact your regular doctor for their medical records. You can also view the recommended child and adolescent immunization schedule above so that you can stay on track for their upcoming vaccinations.
***Important UPDATE: According to the Connecticut Higher Education Report, the state recommends students going to school in Connecticut must test negative for COVID-19, preferably 72 hours, but no later than 14 days in advance of moving into their dorm. Commuter students in Connecticut are not required to get testing for COVID-19, but should still take safety precautions if someone on campus does get the virus. We also suggest that they get tested prior to returning to campus as well.
The information above also applies to students coming from out-of-state.
Immunizations can help you save time and money
If you or your loved ones have a vaccine-preventable disease they can be kept out of school and or work. This isn’t beneficial for anyone as time away can exhaust sick days at work and can be financially burdening from medical bills. Time lost could be easily prevented if you update your immunizations and stay on track with your local health care physicians.
Get COVID-19 tested and your school vaccines at AFC Urgent Care West Hartford
If your student needs health forms filled out, don’t forget to bring them with you! Come in to AFC Urgent Care West Hartford at 1030 Boulevard, where one of our providers is always available and ready to answer any questions or concerns about renewing immunizations.
Our providers are fully equipped with PPE and sanitizer to ensure that your visit is safe with us. COVID-19 testing is free at our center and we offer both antibody and active COVID-19 virus testing 7 days a week. Our hours are from, 8am-8pm Monday-Friday and also 8am-5pm on the weekends. We accept most insurances and we offer a virtual alternative called TeleCare for your urgent care needs.