Do Allergies Cause a Sore Throat?

May 22, 2024

With warmer weather comes seasonal allergy season. The spring allergy season occurs due to an increase in plant blooming. Once the ground defrosts, plants like grasses, tree, and flowers all begin to blossom. This creates a massive amount of pollen, which becomes airborne and can lead to allergy symptoms. Seasonal allergies and their symptoms can vary greatly from person to person. Keep reading to learn more about common allergy symptoms and tips for managing them ...

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How to Avoid Injury From Exercising Outdoors

May 22, 2024

Spring and summer bring warmer weather, sunny days, and more hours of natural light. If you’re someone who enjoys outdoor activities or exercising outdoors, these factors may leave you feeling motivated to spend more time outdoors during these warmer months. Compared to exercising indoors in the winter, outdoor activities can bring different risks to your health, including an increased risk of injury. Learn more about common injuries and how to avoid them so that ...

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