How Does Urgent Care Support Pediatric Health Needs?

April 16, 2019

Pediatric healthcare needs are crucially important for your child's healthy development. Make sure you consider a nearby urgent care to address any of your child's needs including injury treatment, vaccinations, and similar urgent care services. "

Parents have a difficult job of protecting the health and safety of their child. Sometimes, even with the best prevention, accidents and illness still occur. Parents that have a sick or injured child are in for a scary experience. That fear leaves parents unsure of how to treat the child and in many cases, leads to an overreaction.

Do they need a trip to the emergency room or just the urgent care? Will they be okay? We want to help make that decision a little easier for you by discussing precisely what an urgent care center is prepared to handle with your child.

Symptoms of Illness

Children are prone to illness. From ear infections to strep throat and so much more – it’s inevitable. If your child is suffering from signs of an illness that may require medication to resolve, the urgent care should be able to help. If the symptoms in your child are severe – such as a fever in a newborn – it’s best to take them to the emergency room. Ear infection, urinary tract infection, pink eye, and the flu are some of the most common pediatric illnesses treated at an urgent care center.

Minor Injury

As kids run around and play, injury is inevitable. The urgent care center can treat minor pediatric injuries including:

  • Cuts requiring stitches
  • Sprains and strains
  • Minor fractures of fingers and toes

More severe broken bones will require a trip to the emergency room for proper treatment. Cuts on the face that need stitches should also be taken to an emergency room because the child will likely require sedation to repair the wound.

Making a Judgement Call

Ultimately, deciding if your child needs an emergency room or urgent care visit is up to you. An urgent care should be used as a source for immediate treatment of an injury or illness that isn’t life threatening to your child. If you’re unsure of the best course of action, contact the urgent care to ask if they’re comfortable treating a pediatric patient with the symptoms at hand.

Each urgent care is different in regard to the tools, staff, and materials they have on-site. Facilities that are familiar with pediatric patients will be more likely to treat a variety of conditions than an urgent care center that typically only treats adults. When your child needs treatment, you should step back, evaluate the situation at hand, and go with your gut instinct.

This summer, don't let dehyrdation affect your day and potentially your overall health! Check out these skills on how to maintain adequate hydration on a hot summer day! "

Dehydration is a common health and safety risk during the summertime, but the hot summer temperatures make it happen much more. Luckily, staying safe and hydrated is easier than you think. Follow these hydration guidelines during all your summer activities and the rest of the year! Just because you’re returning to work or school doesn’t mean you don’t need to stay hydrated.

Drink Water Before You’re Thirsty

Experts say that if you feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. You should drink water throughout the day, even if you don’t feel thirsty yet. There’s no set amount of water you should drink per day because hydration needs are different for each person. When you simply feel thirsty, and your body feels like it needs to be hydrated, then start drinking more water.

Staying Healthy and Hydrated

Our body is made up of 70% water. It’s no surprise that when we’re dehydrated, our overall wellness suffers. Drinking more water helps support wellness in every aspect of your body. Staying hydrated protects against much more than just heat stroke and fatigue.

Signs of Dehydration

In addition to thirst, there are some signs of dehydration you should be on the lookout for. Fatigue and headache are the earliest signs that many people overlook. Next time you’re feeling run down, try a glass of water instead of coffee. Dark colored urine is a warning sign, as well. Your urine should be a pale-yellow color. If it isn’t, it’s time to up the water intake.

Making it Easy

When it comes to staying hydrated, the easier it is, the more likely you are to stick with it. Find a reusable water bottle that you enjoy and take it with you everywhere you go. Before you know it, you’ll be refilling the bottle multiple times per day. Replace sugary drinks with water.

Sugary beverages like soda may quench your thirst temporarily, but they’re dehydrating you. Water-rich foods are a great way to keep hydrated throughout the day as well. Fresh fruits and vegetables should be your go-to snack option and a part of every meal.

Without even trying, you’re getting more hydrated!

For more guidelines about exactly how much water you need, talk with your doctor. People with more active lifestyles will require more water. Staying hydrated is the key to clearer skin, weight loss, more energy, and so many other excellent benefits. Drinking more water should be a part of an overall healthy lifestyle change, not a temporary diet.


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