The Most Common Allergy Triggers for Patients

April 15, 2022

If you have seasonal allergies, you know just how hard it can be to deal with them when the weather starts warming up! While most people love to see the flowers bloom and trees sprout leaves, you know that it means irritating allergy symptoms and unpredictable medications.

As an allergy-sufferer, staying on top of common triggers will help give you the upper hand on avoiding them or properly treating symptoms. Keep reading for the most common allergy triggers for patients and what symptoms they may cause.


Food allergies are incredibly common. They can happen all year round, not just when spring arrives. Common culprits for food allergies include eggs, peanuts, milk, soy, wheat, shellfish, and tree nuts.

Food allergies can often cause swelling of the tongue, lips, face, and throat; hives; tingling of the mouth; and anaphylaxis.

Hay Fever

Hay fever is a reaction to pollen. During the spring and summer months, pollen is floating through the air from flowers and trees. There could be an allergic reaction when it is breathed in or makes contact with your eyes.

Hay fever symptoms include sneezing; itchy eyes, nose, or mouth; a runny or stuffy nose; or watery, red eyes.

Insect Stings or Bites

Insects like bees, wasps, or ants can induce allergic reactions in some people. While some reaction, like mild swelling or itching, is common in most people, severe insect allergies can be life-threatening for some people. 

Insect sting/bite allergies may lead to swelling; itching and/or hives around the body; tightening of the chest; shortness of breath or wheezing; coughing; or anaphylaxis.

Drug Allergies

Allergies to medications are common, but they can also be quite severe. The most common drugs that can elicit an allergic reaction in patients include certain antibiotics, like penicillin, ibuprofen, aspirin, and some chemotherapy drugs, among many others.

Symptoms of drug allergies include hives; swelling of the face; wheezing or shortness of breath; rash; itching; or anaphylaxis.

Atopic Dermatitis

This skin allergy is often called eczema. This occurs when your immune system overreacts to any kind of minor irritant or allergen on the skin. Eczema can be triggered by irritants or chemicals in shampoo, soap, lotion, or other topical cosmetics. It can also be triggered by changes in temperature, stress, and environmental factors.

The symptoms of atopic dermatitis include severe itching; reddening of the skin; or flaking and peeling of the skin.

If you’ve been experiencing allergy symptoms but aren’t quite sure what the cause is, the experts at your local urgent care center can help you out. From treating symptoms to testing for triggers, getting allergies under control is easy with the help of medical urgent care professionals.

Allergies already starting to bother you? Make sure that you visit AFC Urgent Care West Orange today to ensure that symptoms are treated ASAP. Patients that need to get allergy treatment should do so by visiting our walk-in clinic available seven days a week!

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