First Aid Tips and When to Seek Care

May 9, 2024


In the unpredictability of daily life, where minor accidents or health scares can occur without warning, the knowledge of first aid becomes invaluable. It's about more than just applying a bandage or performing CPR; it's about being prepared to act confidently and effectively in moments of need. American Family Care (AFC) believes in the power of this preparedness to save lives and strengthen communities. Through this blog, AFC aims to equip you with crucial first-aid tips and insights into when it's essential to seek professional care, embodying our commitment to your health and well-being.

Basic First Aid Principles

Preserve Life: The first principle of first aid is preserving life. This means assessing the scene for dangers to yourself or the injured party and ensuring you can assist without putting anyone at risk. It involves calling for emergency help and performing life-saving techniques like CPR if necessary.

Prevent Further Injury: Once the scene is safe, the next step is to prevent the injured person's condition from worsening. This might involve moving them away from hazards, applying pressure to stop bleeding, or keeping them warm and comfortable. It's crucial, however, to move someone only if necessary to avoid further harm.

Promote Recovery: Promoting recovery can include applying bandages, ice packs, or splints, but it also means providing emotional support and reassurance. A calm and confident demeanor can significantly impact the injured person's recovery by reducing panic and stress.

A well-stocked first aid kit is your best ally in case of any injury or health issue. AFC recommends including sterile gauze, adhesive bandages, antiseptic wipes, scissors, tweezers, an oral thermometer, and non-latex gloves in your kit. Remember, the goal is not to replace professional medical care but to provide immediate support until such care can be received.

Handling Common Injuries

Cuts and Scrapes: Clean the area with gentle soap and water, apply an antibiotic ointment, and cover with a sterile bandage. Watch for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or pus. Deep cuts or those that won't stop bleeding may require medical attention for stitches.

Burns: Cool the burn under lukewarm running water, cover with a sterile, non-adhesive bandage, and never apply ice, butter, or creams to severe burns. First-degree burns can often be treated at home, but second-degree burns and third-degree burns warrant a visit to AFC for professional care.

Sprains and Fractures: Use the RICE method: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. If you suspect a fracture due to the severity of pain, deformity, or inability to move the affected area, seek professional care at AFC for an assessment and X-ray.


1. For adults and children over one, use the Heimlich maneuver.

2. Stand behind the person, place your fist above their navel, and grasp it with your other hand.

3. Perform a series of upward thrusts until the blockage is dislodged.

Recognizing and Acting on Severe Situations

Allergic Reactions: Look for hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, and dizziness. If an epinephrine auto-injector is available, use it immediately and call emergency services. AFC can provide follow-up care and allergy testing.

Heatstroke and Hypothermia: Symptoms of heatstroke include high body temperature, altered mental state, and nausea. To lower the person's temperature, move them to a more relaxed place and wear cool clothes. For hypothermia, warm the person slowly and seek immediate medical attention. AFC Urgent Care can treat these conditions, but severe cases should go directly to the emergency room.

Heart Attack and Stroke: Symptoms of a heart attack include chest pain, shortness of breath, and discomfort in the upper body. Stroke symptoms follow the FAST acronym: Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulties, and Time to call emergency services. Immediate medical intervention is crucial in these situations.

When to Seek Professional Care

Some situations require more than first aid can provide. Visit AFC if you experience:

  • Wounds that need stitches

  • Burns that are severe or cover a large area

  • Signs of infection from a cut or scrape

  • Suspected broken bones or dislocations

  • Severe allergic reactions

  • Symptoms of heatstroke, hypothermia, heart attack, or stroke

AFC offers a compassionate, efficient alternative to the emergency room for non-life-threatening conditions, with shorter wait times and comprehensive care.


First aid knowledge is crucial, but recognizing when to seek professional care is equally important. Through this blog, AFC aims to empower you with the confidence to handle minor injuries and the wisdom to understand when situations require our expert care. Remember, AFC Urgent Care is your partner in health, ready to provide education, support, and medical care to keep your family safe and healthy. Visit us for more information on first aid, preventive health tips, and our comprehensive urgent care services.

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