September Is Sexual Health Awareness Month

August 23, 2022

September Is Sexual Health Awareness Month

Sexual Health Awareness Month is a time to celebrate the healthy sexual expression that is a natural part of life. Although discussing your sexual health may sometimes feel uncomfortable, sexual health awareness is nevertheless an important topic that significantly affects your overall health and wellbeing. In recognition of Sexual Health Awareness Month, we’ve put together some essential information you can use to take control of your sexual health.

What Is Sexual Health?

Before looking at some statistics and tips to improve your sexual health, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what sexual health is and how it affects you. Sexual health is about being able to embrace and enjoy one’s sexuality in a healthy manner. In this case, being healthy applies to both our physical and mental health.

So, what does it mean to be sexually healthy? Crucially, what it means to be sexually healthy can vary significantly by different cultures and individuals, but here are a few common markers of good sexual health:

  • Having a positive approach to sexuality and embracing the possibilities of safe and pleasurable sexual experiences when desired
  • Understanding and respecting your sexual rights and the rights of others
  • Making decisions about your sexual health based on reliable information and education and having access to care and treatment whenever needed
  • Taking precautions to prevent STDs and unwanted pregnancies
  • Being able to openly discuss your sexual health with others, especially sexual partners and healthcare providers

Sexual Health Risk Factor Statistics

Although good sexual health focuses on having a positive approach and outlook to sexuality, understanding the associated risks of sexual activity is essential. Being aware of these risks better enables you to take the necessary steps to protect yourself and others and to be able to enjoy sexual activity in a safe and healthy manner.

Here are a few statistics on sexual health risk factors that you should be aware of:

  • More than one million STDs are transmitted every day, with the majority of cases being asymptomatic (Source)
  • People between the ages of 15 and 24 account for nearly half of all new STD cases (Source)
  • Approximately one in five people in the United States have an STD (Source)
  • Nearly $16 billion is spent every year to treat STDs in the United States (Source)
  • Roughly half of all pregnancies in the United States are unintended each year (Source)
  • More than half of all women and nearly one in three men experience sexual violence in their lifetime (Source)
  • Sexual assault and violence are more prevalent in younger demographics, with 54% of all sexual assault victims being between 18 to 34 years old (Source)

Tips for Improving Your Sexual Health

Now that we’ve covered what sexual health is and some associated risks, let’s go over some practical tips you can use to improve your sexual health.

Use Protection

When used correctly, condoms can significantly reduce the risk of STDs and unplanned pregnancies. Always check to ensure condoms aren’t expired and don’t have any visibile holes or tears before use.

Understand Your Birth Control Options

Condoms are just one form of birth control, as there are several other birth control options available. Each birth control method has its own advantages and disadvantages, so make sure to research your options and consult with a healthcare provider to choose the methods that are best for you. Abstinence is the only form of birth control that is 100% effective.

Get Tested

As we’ve already covered, STDs are a risk factor for anyone who is sexually active. Because STDs can often appear asymptomatic, the only way to know for sure if you have an STD is to get tested. See the CDC’s STD testing and screening guidelines for more information on how often to get tested based on your gender and sexual orientation. If you suspect you’ve contracted an STD, get tested as soon as possible.

Emphasize Communication, Respect, and Trust in Relationships

Communication, respect, and trust are vital to any kind of relationship, and sexual relationships are no exception. Be open and honest with your partner and expect the same from them in return. Openly discuss your sexual health with your partner and make decisions together that improve both of your sexual health. Your partner should make you feel good about yourself, and you should never feel pressured into doing anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

Make Sexual Health Part of Your Healthcare

Your sexual health practices can play a significant role in your overall health, so treating sexual health as an essential part of your healthcare routine is vital. Start by finding a healthcare provider with whom you’re comfortable discussing your sexual health. Having these discussions might not be easy at first, but preventive health services are one of the most effective ways to protect and improve your sexual health.

Sexual Health Services at AFC Willowbrook

The healthcare professionals at AFC Willowbrook are here to help you take control of and improve your sexual health. We provide discreet, on-site STD testing with in-house labs and no appointments necessary so you can get results as quickly as possible. We also offer HPV vaccinations, pap smears, and primary care, including routine checkups and physicals to help you lead a healthy and happy life. 

Schedule an appointment or walk in to our clinic today.

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