AFC Willow Grove
Coronavirus Willow Grove Pa

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COVID-19 Testing & COVID-19 Antibody Testing Is Available

AFC Urgent Care Willow Grove can assist you with Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing to keep you and your family healthy.

Can I Get A COVID-19 Test?

Yes, we have COVID-19 Tests are available. No appointment is needed.

Can I Walk-In And Get A COVID-19 Test?

Yes, you can walk in and get a COVID-19 test today. Call (267) 495-5455 to speak with our staff for additional information.

Are Rapid COVID-19 Tests Available?

At this time, RAPID COVID-19 tests are not available. 

How Long Does It Take For Me To Receive My Test Results?

Normally, COVID-19 test results return in 2 to 3 days. During periods of high demand for COVID-19 testing, results may take upwards of 7-10 days. We use LabCorp to process our COVID-19 tests, and the time it takes to get results returned changes daily. Our provider will do their best to give you an estimation when test results are expected, but a time for returned results can not be guaranteed. 

How Much Is A COVID-19 Test?

Please check with your current insurance carrier regarding the benefits related to COVID-19 testing and any associated fees, copays, or coinsurance.

Do I Need A Referral From My Primary Care Doctor To Get A COVID-19 Test?

No referral is needed at this time. If you have symptoms of COVID-19 or are asymptomatic but have been exposed to a person with COVID-19, please call the office at (267) 495-5455 before coming to our center!

Our neighbors in Willow Grove have been asking us many questions about the coronavirus and how it impacts this area. We have compiled the most common questions we hear and their answers. This page is not kept up to date in real-time, but we will do our best to keep it as current as possible.

Can I Be Tested For A COVID-19 Infection At AFC Urgent Care Willow Grove?

Yes, you can receive a COVID-19 test at our urgent care center. No appointment is needed, but if you suspect you may have a COVID-19 infection, please wear a mask or ask for one at the front desk in the waiting room.

What Are The Symptoms Of The Coronavirus? How Long Do They Take To Appear?

This coronavirus shares many symptoms of the flu, a common cold, or a regular upper respiratory infection. According to the CDC, current COVID-19 symptoms include:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Seek immediate medical care if the following symptoms develop:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion
  • Inability to wake or stay awake
  • Bluish lips or face

This coronavirus, however, can develop severe complications, including:

  • Fever of over 100.4F
  • Pneumonia
  • Sepsis
  • Death

Generally, symptoms begin to appear within two to fourteen days. There are some indications that people infected with COVID-19 do not display any signs but still may be very contagious.

How Does Someone Become Infected From COVID-19?

The virus is believed to be transmitted via droplets when people cough or breathe. These droplets fly through the air to infect others. If someone coughs into their hand, it can be left on surfaces they touch. Facemasks help contain any droplets someone may breathe out. This is especially important if they are infected but unaware of it because they do not show symptoms.

I Don’t Feel Well, And I Have Some Of These Symptoms. Am I Infected? What Are The Risk Factors For The COVID-19 Coronavirus?

Community infections are active in the Willow Grove area, but there are still other infections out there that could be causing your symptoms. For example, the flu and upper respiratory infections have symptoms that are similar to COVID-19. The main symptoms we see in many coronavirus cases include:

  • A dry cough that produces no phlegm or mucus
  • A fever
  • Loss of taste and smell

If you have the symptoms above, please visit our urgent care center for evaluation.

How Can I Prevent An Infection From COVID-19?

The guidelines for preventing the flu can be used to protect you from COVID-19. These guidelines are:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Avoid touching surfaces and then your face
  • Avoid close contact with anyone who is sick
  • Cover your nose and mouth if you feel sick
  • Wear a surgical mask or a face mask while traveling in public.

For additional protection:

  • Avoid live animal markets
  • Cook food thoroughly
  • Wear a surgical mask & eye protection at all times.

Is The Coronavirus Related To SARS Or MERS? Why Is It Called COVID-19?

Other coronaviruses can affect humans. Two recent outbreaks of coronaviruses include SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome.) A coronavirus caused both of these outbreaks. SARS is thought to be more closely related to COVID-19 than MERS. SARS originated in Asia, while MERS was first seen in Saudi Arabia.

2019-nCov was initially assigned to this virus due to changes in how new infections are named. “2019" represented the year it was first detected, and “nCov" stood for “Novel Coronavirus." “Novel" is used because it looks like no other virus has ever seen before. World Health Organization officials changed how infections and bacteria are named to avoid misinformation or fear. They no longer name things like Lyme Disease, named after a town, or Legionnaires Disease, named after the convention when it first infected people. The name COVID-19 now identifies this coronavirus. This name denotes the year it was detected (2019) and its status as a new coronavirus. Another name some scientists use to describe this virus is SARS-CoV-2 or “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2."

AFC Urgent Care’s walk-in clinic in Willow Grove is current with the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control. Do you have questions about the coronavirus? Feel free to call if you have any questions!

For more information, please visit:

The CDC’s Page About COVID-19

The Pennsylvania Department of Health

Montgomery County Department of Health

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AFC Urgent Care FAQs

  • Why does AFC Urgent Care provide two different COVID tests?

    We offer a rapid test because they provide highly reliable results on the spot; however, they do produce more false negatives than the RT-PCR COVID-19 Test. Doing both tests is our way of ensuring that you get the most accurate results possible without having to put your life on hold.

  • How long does it take to get a COVID test?

    We're able to get many patients in and out in a matter of minutes, but the length of time you'll spend in our clinic will depend on wait times that day. Our rapid test will usually have results within 20 minutes. Our PCR test takes 1 to 3 days to process.

  • How much does it cost to get a COVID test?

    That will ultimately depend on your insurance coverage and your plan's deductible, copay, or co-insurance. If you're uninsured, AFC's cash pay prices are highly competitive – contact us for the details.

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