What Are the Bumps in the Back of My Throat?

January 24, 2024

If you've noticed red bumps in the back of your throat, you may be experiencing cobblestone throat or tonsillitis. Cobblestone throat is caused by enlarged lymphatic tissue in the adenoids or tonsils, often due to postnasal drip or pharyngitis. Tonsillitis is an infection or inflammation of the tonsils, usually caused by bacterial or viral infections.

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Think You May Have Norovirus: Here’s What You Should Know

January 2, 2024

Feeling nauseous, battling diarrhea, and wondering about the cause? Could your favorite restaurant be the culprit? While the restaurant itself might not be to blame, there's a chance you picked up the stomach flu, commonly known as Norovirus. AFC Urgent Care Worcester has crafted an informative guide to shed light on what Norovirus entails, the symptoms to watch for, and effective prevention measures! Understanding Norovirus: Norovirus is an exceptionally contagious virus known for inducing ...

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