Top Tips for Maintaining a Safe Kitchen during the Holiday Season!

December 12, 2018

The holidays are a time of merry wishes and joyful celebration with the family, which usually require a busy kitchen to prepare large meals, desserts, and other festive eats! With hours filled with caroling and gift-giving, kitchen safety may be the last thing on your mind as you’re trying to enjoy the evening.

So how can you maintain a safe kitchen during the holiday season and treat kitchen-related injuries without disrupting the yuletide joy? Use these tips to promote strong kitchen safety during the holidays easily.

Watch out of electrical outlets and appliance overuse!

You may want to think twice before plugging in the blender, the backup blender, the juicer, the TV guide chopping chamber, the coffee maker, the microwave, and the toaster into one or even two outlets.

Overuse of electrical outlets can lead to severe risks of burning that may require immediate medical attention. Make sure that you, and possibly another person, manage electrical kitchen appliances as needed to reduce electrical hazards.

In addition, always have someone in the kitchen at all times to watch out for a potential fire from a faulty appliance or an overcooked food item. Oversight of cooking activities may be the key to preventing a household fire. Always have fire retardant gloves and a fire extinguisher on hand to douse any mid to large-size flames.

Use protective gear and caution about possible burns that happen in the kitchen!

Stovetops with boiling liquid, or ovens with high-temperature dishes, significantly increase your likelihood of experiencing a minor burn. However, there are a few simple actions you can take to lower your chances of burning.

Make sure to use oven mitts or heat resistant gloves when handling hot serving dishes, pots, and other surfaces with high temperature. Wearing a long-sleeve shirt, non-slip shoes, and similar protective gear can help prevent burns from hot liquids and food items.

An individual that experiences a minor burn, known as a first-degree burn, while in the kitchen should take preventive steps like these from the Mayo Clinic to address their wounds.

Make sure to visit your nearest urgent care center to complete any treatment of a minor burn. Seek out emergency care for severe second-degree burns or potentially life-threatening third and fourth-degree burns.

Treat any cuts or physical injuries immediately!

The use of knives or other cutting tools in the kitchen also increases your risk of cuts and kitchen-related physical injuries. If you experience a cut while in the kitchen make sure to clean the cut with soap and water, treat the cut with an antibacterial ointment, and then dress the wound with a bandage or gauze.

For minor cuts and kitchen-related injuries, you can always schedule an appointment at an urgent care center for faster treatments without long waits at the emergency room.

Use the basic kitchen safety tips listed here to keep your holidays healthy instead of hazardous!

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