American Family Care: Urgent Care & Walk-In Clinic

American Family Care


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Don't wait to get the medical attention you need.

Walk-In COVID-19 Vaccine

A COVID-19 vaccination helps your body produce antibodies that can make you immune to COVID-19. Just like any vaccine, it is a safe, essential way to keep you from getting sick. A COVID-19 vaccination usually requires two doses. The second shot happens 14–28 days after the first, depending on the brand. It takes about three weeks after your last shot to develop immunity. We offer both virtual and in-person consultations with doctors and health professionals.


American Family Care has:

  • Socially-distanced and sanitized waiting areas 
  • COVID-19 tests
    • Antibody Test 
    • Rapid Swab Test 
    • At-Home Testing 
  • Walk-In COVID-19 vaccinations


Keep Stopping the Spread. 

A COVID-19 vaccination protects you from becoming ill, but you can still spread the virus.

  • Wear a Mask.
    • Cover your nose and mouth. 
  • Wash Your Hands. 
    • 20 seconds with soap and water. Or use a hand sanitizer that contains 60% alcohol. 
  • Keep Your Distance. 
    • Keep two arm-lengths or 6 feet away from those who don’t live with you. 
  • Get a Flu Shot. 
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At AFC, we offer walk-in urgent care services and more!


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Are Sugar Rushes Real?

Juztine Tuballa

Are sugar rushes real? For decades, many parents have believed in the idea of a “sugar rush,” a phenomenon where

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3700 Cahaba Beach Road Birmingham, AL 35242

Our Mission and Values:

Our mission is to provide the best healthcare possible in a kind and caring environment, in an economical manner, while respecting the rights of all of our patients, at times and locations convenient to the patient.

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