American Family Care: Urgent Care & Walk-In Clinic

American Family Care

Same Day Lab Testing Results

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Don't wait to get the medical attention you need.

Urgent Care Lab Testing Services

An AFC center is more than an urgent care clinic. It’s an urgent care clinic with a lab. You can have your results in minutes or a couple of days, depending on the test. Our express lab helps our doctors provide patients with seamless, streamlined care and treatment plans.

Walk-In Clinics Same-Day Lab Testing Results. Genius.

You don’t have to be a patient to take advantage of our state-of-the-art on-site labs. We make lab tests easier and more convenient than your typical options. So, walk away from slow and inconvenient. Walk in for fast and easy urgent care blood work, diagnostic tests, and more.


On-Site Urgent Care Lab Testing. No Appointment Needed.

Find your nearest American Family Care® and check out our on-site clinical lab testing. Here are a few of the on-site laboratory services we offer at our walk-in clinics: 

  • STD testing
  • Blood testing
  • Flu diagnosis
  • Strep throat diagnosis
  • Arthritis diagnosis
  • Mononucleosis diagnosis
  • Thyroid disease diagnosis
  • Urinalysis drug testing
  • Microscopies full lab panels

*Lab testing is available on a walk-in basis.

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Lab Testing Resources

A healthcare worker at an urgent care facility measures the blood pressure of a seated older adult using a BP cuff. Both individuals are wearing face masks.


QUESTION: Are AFC’s lab test results as reliable as the ones I get from my regular doctor?

A: Of course! The main difference between AFC and the typical doctor’s office is that our lab is right in our location, and its streamlined to provide faster service. We provide select, in-demand screening services, so your results don’t get stuck in a queue.

QUESTION: Who is a good candidate for lab testing at AFC?

A: Anyone who’s worried about any of the issues listed above, those whose employers require these screenings, and those who have been referred by a doctor.

QUESTION: Can AFC provide other preventative healthcare services?

A: Absolutely! Contact your local clinic to learn more about physicals, vaccinations, and other services we offer. 

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AFC offers on-site lab testing that is both affordable and accessible!


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Are Sugar Rushes Real?

Juztine Tuballa

Are sugar rushes real? For decades, many parents have believed in the idea of a “sugar rush,” a phenomenon where

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3700 Cahaba Beach Road Birmingham, AL 35242

Our Mission and Values:

Our mission is to provide the best healthcare possible in a kind and caring environment, in an economical manner, while respecting the rights of all of our patients, at times and locations convenient to the patient.

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