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Flu Shots

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Don't wait to get the medical attention you need.

Get Your Flu Shot Today

Get Protection for the Upcoming Flu Season

All throughout flu season, which usually begins around October, American Family Care® is stocked with flu shots—all available on a walk-in basis. Protecting yourself against one of the most dangerous and prevalent U.S. health concerns has never been easier.

Don’t Put it Off—The Flu is Nothing to Take Lightly!

People who have never had the flu often mistake it for the common cold. The truth is that the flu is a very serious and potentially fatal disease. The dangers of the flu are not talked about very openly anymore because the widespread availability of flu shots has significantly reduced the number of serious flu cases.

Don’t be misled; receiving a flu vaccine is important for both your personal health and the well-being of your community. Since 2010, the Centers for Disease Control estimate anywhere between 140,000 and 170,000 people are hospitalized for the flu each year. The best way to prevent this serious disease from affecting your family is by receiving a flu shot once a year before the end of October.

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The Flu Resources

Young nurse in blue scrubs smiling and holding a clipboard, interacting with a seated elderly woman in light-colored clothing, with another medical professional in the background at an urgent care center.

FAQs About Flu Vaccines

QUESTION: What are some complications that can arise because of the flu?

A: Most people get over the flu within a couple weeks of experiencing symptoms like headaches, body aches, sore throat, and runny nose. However, complications can occur: inflammation of the heart and brain, organ failure, and inflammatory response being just a few.

QUESTION: Who is at a risk for flu-related complications?

A: People over 65, people with chronic conditions like asthma, pregnant women, and young children are all at risk of developing complications.

QUESTION: How long does it take to get a flu shot?

A: Just a few seconds! Most people find it’s over before they know it. 

How do I get the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Getting a COVID-19 vaccine is the best, safest way to not get severely ill. Like all vaccines, the COVID-19 vaccine teaches your body how to develop its own immunity to the virus that causes this illness. A COVID-19 vaccine usually requires two doses. The second shot happens 14 to 28 days after the first. It takes about three weeks after your last shot to develop immunity. Getting a COVID-19 vaccination will depend on availability and guidelines in your state. Contact us about getting a COVID-19 vaccination.

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Protect yourself and your family by receiving a flu shot once a year!


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3700 Cahaba Beach Road Birmingham, AL 35242

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Our mission is to provide the best healthcare possible in a kind and caring environment, in an economical manner, while respecting the rights of all of our patients, at times and locations convenient to the patient.

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