August is National Immunization Month

August 22, 2017

" August is  National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM), and AFC Urgent Care North Bergen would like to encourage you to stop in for a hassle-free checkup to ensure you and your family are up to date on your vaccinations. Immunizations are important for people of all ages and help prevent countless, often deadly, diseases. Vaccines are administered to stimulate your immune system so should you come in contact with that disease, your body is better prepared ...

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Preventing Heat Injuries for the Elderly

August 7, 2017

" Summertime temperatures can pose a threat for all – especially the elderly. Due to how the body naturally changes with age, older adults are at greater risk for heat-related injuries. Society harps on young adults for the importance of sunscreen, staying hydrated and other health precautions during the warm season, but have we truly considered how rising temperatures drastically affect the elderly? AFC Urgent Care North Bergen wants you to be educated on the preventive measures ...

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Summer Protective Gear – Do You Have Everything on This List?

August 1, 2017

" While you’re having your fun in the sun this summer, are you staying safe in the heat? Summer weather and more outdoor activities means there’s a higher risk of injury from things like sun exposure, dangerous insects, heat injury and more. Make sure you’re prepared for your summer fun by stocking up on these essential items that will keep you safe all summer long: Sunscreen When heading outside this summer, it’s ...

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Common Flu Myths & Why They Are So Dangerous

July 21, 2017

The much-dreaded flu season is here, which means it’s time to protect yourself against the virus and common myths that surround it. Every year these misconceptions surface and spread, well, like a virus. Flu myths such as these are equally as harmful as they are false, so don’t let misinformation about the flu and the preventative vaccine blind you from the truth! Instead, turn to the physicians you trust at American Family Care ...

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What Sends People to Urgent Care in the Summer?

July 20, 2017

" Summer is a busy time for urgent care centers. Learn how you can avoid some of the most common summer injuries while you have your fun in the sun.   Summer is one of the most exciting times of the year! With vacations, backyard barbecues, fireworks shows and more to look forward to, there’s lots of fun to be had during the warm summer months. But while you’re having a blast with your family ...

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The Best (And Healthiest!) Summer Activities for You and Your Kids

July 7, 2017

" Summertime – the kids are home with loads of free time! They may feel inclined to relax on the couch until school starts up again in the fall, but don’t let them miss out on the lively energy of those summer months. AFC Urgent Care North Bergen encourages parents and kids to take advantage of the beautiful weather and spend some time getting active this summer. Here are several healthy activities that you and your ...

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How Allergies Can Affect You Long-Term

May 19, 2017

Allergies may not seem like a significant illness that needs immediate treatment, but ignoring your symptoms can have serious, long-lasting effects. If left untreated, allergies can greatly affect your quality of life; you may suffer from increased risk of health problems, decreased brain function and even mood instability. Early treatment is key to avoiding allergy-related health problems later down the road, and American Family Care has just what you need to make it through allergy ...

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How to Help Your Kids Grow Up Allergy-Free

May 11, 2017

" Spring is a beautiful time of year, with trees and flowers starting to bloom. But it can be a miserable time of year for people with allergies. You know all too well the sniffling and sneezing that comes with the season. You also know that you can find relief thanks to the doctors at AFC Urgent Care. Imagine being able to stop allergies in children before they even develop. Here are some things to consider ...

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Happy National Urgent Care Awareness Month!

May 5, 2017

" Every year, the Urgent Care Association of America recognizes May as National Urgent Care Awareness Month. The purpose of National Urgent Care Awareness Month is to educate Americans about the benefits of urgent care and the contributions that urgent care medical providers have brought to their respective communities. Here at AFC Urgent Care North Bergen, we celebrate Urgent Care Awareness Month by doing the same thing we’ve always done: delivering the highest-quality urgent care ...

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Five Cleaning Tips to Help Reduce Spring Allergies

May 2, 2017

" Spring cleaning is typically meant to help us shed the dust and dirt we’ve accumulated over the course of a cold winter inside. But for seasonal allergy sufferers, spring cleaning can be like medicine. How, you might ask? By getting rid of the allergens that causes seasonal allergy suffering. If your seasonal allergies are kicking up, try these cleaning tips from AFC Urgent Care to get some relief! Use High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filters High-Efficiency ...

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