Kids are at High Risk for a Cold

February 17, 2016

" AFC Urgent Care North Bergen would like to remind you to make sure you’re talking to your child about good practices for staying healthy — like remembering to wash their hands!   "

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The Zika Virus – What You Need to Know Now: Part One

February 16, 2016

" Mosquitoes have always been a source of annoyance. Usually we only need to worry about them in the summer, but the Zika virus outbreak is causing people to sweat throughout the world. So, what exactly is Zika? We’re here to help you learn everything you need to know about Zika virus. Zika virus disease is caused by a virus transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. The virus has been known to circulate Africa, the Americas, Asia ...

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The Biggest Health Issues Facing Americans

February 8, 2016

"   The United States is one of the most diverse nations in the world. As different as we may seem, our health issues can be very similar. Health care trends tend to be pretty consistent across large swaths of the population, so it’s important to pay attention when one becomes widespread.  AFC Urgent Care North Bergen can advise you on which conditions should concern you and how to take action to prevent them. The No ...

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Flu Season Facts, Part 2

February 1, 2016

" Here is the second part of our series on flu season! We hope you took our advice from last week and got your flu shot! We’re going to get a bit more into the nitty-gritty about how the flu spreads and what makes the flu vaccine work. So hang on, we’re diving right in! The influenza virus is a respiratory virus, and it spreads primarily through contact with respiratory droplets. However, these droplets ...

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Have you Slipped and Fallen this Winter?

January 28, 2016

" Icy and snowy conditions are some of the most dangerous conditions causing slip and fall accidents. Slick surfaces on sidewalks, outdoor steps and parking lots can be hazardous for you and your loved ones, especially if the hazardous condition is not obvious, as is the case with black ice.   Here are some slip and fall statistics to make you more knowledgeable in the future. Fall fatalities are nearly equally divided between men and women Falls ...

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Flu Season Facts, Part 1

January 25, 2016

" The influenza virus is a seasonal epidemic that typically hits the United States around October and can last until May. Even though this is a yearly occurrence, there are still some misconceptions about the flu and what people should do to protect themselves. To keep our readers informed, we are doing a two-part series on important facts people should know about the flu. Part two will be released next week. The flu is not just ...

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Health Tips You Can Enact Now to Have a Healthier 2016

January 11, 2016

" Every January, you see the determined, motivated faces of people all around you working to improve themselves in the new year. Inevitably, by March, the vast majority of those have gotten off-track or completely given up on their goals. It’s not a lack of desire for these changes to work or even a lack of commitment to their goals that’s knocked them off the path toward a better self. For many people, change ...

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Our Holiday Hours

December 24, 2015

" AFC Urgent Care North Bergen would like to send you warm wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season. If you or a family member wake up sick this Holiday Season, we will be here for you. Christmas Eve: 8AM – 3PM Christmas Day: 8AM – 2PM New Years Eve: 8AM – 5PM New Years Day: 9AM – 4PM "

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Christmas Tree Syndrome Symptoms Mimic Colds and Flu

December 7, 2015

" It’s the most wonderful time of the year — that is unless your Christmas tree causes you to have an allergic reaction.  More than one third of American households will put up a Christmas tree during the holiday season, and if you find yourself sneezing with a runny nose and itchy eyes once the tree is up, you might have a case of “Christmas tree syndrome”  — an allergic reaction to your tree, real or artificial ...

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Six Things You Need to Fight the Office Flu

November 16, 2015

" If ever there were a time during the year that all workers dread, it has to be flu season. Sniffling coworkers, wheezing kids and running out of tissues or hand sanitizer can make the months of flu season extremely stressful, even if you’re one of the lucky ones who remains healthy. Every year, American businesses lose billions of dollars in sick days and lost productivity. Experts estimate the economy will lose about about $20 ...

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