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Why Walk?

August 16, 2016

There are countless ways to get healthy, but one incredible way to do so doesn’t even require a gym membership! Now, you may ask, what exercise could not require a gym membership but still be a healthy way to get into better shape? Here’s a hint—it’s not running, swimming or biking; in fact, it’s something much easier than any of those three. We’re talking about walking! Here are three ...

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Healthy Snacks

August 2, 2016

When we are faced with having to change our diets, we often jump to conclusions and assume that all of our snacking habits have to die immediately. While many snacks are unhealthy and dangerous to our lifestyle, there are many more that should be encouraged. So, what types of snacks should you make part of your routine? There are a wide variety! No matter the snack, however, make sure to check your portions and eating ...

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