What Does Cholesterol Have to Do With Heart Health?

February 16, 2019

Did you know that too much cholesterol in your blood can increase your risk of experiencing a heart attack or stroke? That’s why during American Heart Month this February, our team at AFC Urgent Care Cleveland wants to offer some tips on how to maintain healthy cholesterol levels, as well as how to recognize the symptoms of high cholesterol. What Is Cholesterol? Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance found in the cells of your ...

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How Do You Clear Up Nasal Congestion?

December 2, 2018

The most wonderful time of the year can certainly turn you into the Grinch if you’re feeling all stuffed up thanks to nasal congestion. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Cleveland doesn’t want nasal congestion to ruin your holiday spirit, which is why we are offering tips on how to find relief from your stuffy nose as soon as possible! What Is Nasal Congestion? When the nasal cavities are swollen, congestion occurs. While ...

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What Is Considered High Blood Pressure?

November 16, 2018

According to the American Heart Association, blood pressure numbers that read less than 120⁄80 mmHg are considered to be within a normal, healthy range. However, about one in three people living in the United States have high blood pressure. The team at AFC Urgent Care Cleveland wants you to understand the risks associated with high blood pressure and what you can do to prevent high blood pressure now and in the future. What Is ...

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How Do You Treat Fatigue?

November 2, 2018

Let’s face it. Life is tiring. After running around between work, your child’s school, and after-school activities or sports practices, you are probably ready to hit the hay by the time you get home at night. While this type of fatigue is normal, there are times when fatigue could be a sign of something more. That’s why our team at AFC Urgent Care Cleveland wants to help you understand the difference between ...

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Who Needs a Flu Shot?

October 16, 2018

Did you know that up to 20 percent of Americans are diagnosed with the flu each year? One of the best ways to prevent the flu virus is to get the flu shot each year. The flu shot—and other vaccines—are usually covered free of cost under most insurance plans. So what are you waiting for? What Is the Flu? The flu virus, also known as influenza, is a very contagious respiratory virus. Symptoms ...

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How Long Does a Urinary Tract Infection Last?

October 2, 2018

While a urinary tract infection can happen to both men and women, women are more susceptible to the medical condition. However, either way, if a urinary tract infection (also known as a UTI) is thought to be occurring, it is best to seek medical treatment as soon as possible before the infection grows worse. Fortunately, the team at AFC Urgent Care Cleveland is open seven days a week to get you a diagnosis and treatment ...

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What Is the Difference Between Walking Pneumonia and Regular Pneumonia?

September 16, 2018

Slowly but surely the fall air is rolling in to Cleveland. Football games, falling leaves and other fall staples are starting to appear! However, there is another thing that might be creeping up on our community members—pneumonia. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Cleveland wants to you to learn how to recognize the signs of walking and regular pneumonia so that you know when to seek medical attention. What Is Walking Pneumonia? Walking pneumonia ...

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How Long Does a Drug Screen Take?

September 2, 2018

Sadly, drug use has been increasing over the years in the United States. Therefore, companies are taking advantage of drug screenings in order to ensure their employees are free from illicit drugs that could put them or others in danger, especially when operating heavy machinery. When your company is in need of a drug testing center, look no further than AFC Urgent Care Cleveland to get you the results you need in a timely fashion ...

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What Are the Best Remedies for Bronchitis?

August 16, 2018

fbq(‘track’, ‘ViewContentCleveland’); fbq('track', 'ViewContentBronchitis'); With school starting back and fall sporting events beginning in Cleveland, the last thing you need to worry about is a case of bronchitis. Therefore, the team at AFC Urgent Care Cleveland wants to help you recognize and treat the symptoms of bronchitis sooner rather than later. What Is Bronchitis? Bronchitis is an inflammation of your bronchial tubes, which carry air to the lungs. There are two types of ...

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Could I Have a Respiratory Infection?

August 2, 2018

It never fails. School starts—and sickness sets in. While sickness can range from sore throats to stomachaches, it can also come in the form of respiratory infections. Respiratory infections occur mostly in the fall and winter, especially when children are in school and more time is spent indoors. That’s why our team at AFC Urgent Care Cleveland wants to take some time now to talk you through the common symptoms of these infections ...

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