How Can I Know If My Baby Has RSV?

November 5, 2023

It can be really hard to distinguish between kinds of infection at this time of year. With all of the different illnesses circulating, it is possible for your baby to have developed a common cold, the flu, RSV or even COVID-19.

Knowing what your child is suffering from can help you find the right treatment and symptom relief strategies! Our team is here to help.

Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Cleveland for a rapid RSV test and we can help determine the right course of action for your family moving forward.

What Is a Respiratory Infection?

Respiratory illnesses are caused by viruses or bacteria that your child was introduced to. In the case of RSV, transmission is most common from contact with infected people. A single kiss on the cheek from an infected relative or friend could be the cause of your child’s symptoms as the infection settles into part of his or her respiratory system.

While respiratory infections can share similar symptoms, they are different illnesses that can have different side effects or levels of danger. RSV commonly starts out slowly and resembles a common cold, but can quickly progress to serious or even life-threatening symptoms.

RSV Symptoms

  • Fever
  • Runny nose/congestion
  • Breathing faster than usual
  • Cough
  • Difficulty swallowing

Can RSV Be Treated?

RSV is caused by a virus, which means there is unfortunately no quick fix for your child. A visit to AFC can lead to a quick diagnosis, but we can also help you figure out some reliable symptom management strategies so your baby can find some relief. OTC medications and fever-reducers can help your baby rest the way he or she needs to in order to overcome the infection.

While it is important to remember that most RSV cases remain mild to moderate and don’t become a life-threatening situation, conditions can change quickly and a severe infection can set in in a short amount of time. If you ever notice any of the below warning signs in your child, seek medical attention immediately.

RSV Warning Signs

  • Shallow breathing
  • Bluish skin or fingernails
  • Feeling lethargic or extremely tired
  • Rapid breaths or chest contractions

RSV can be dangerous. Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Cleveland if you are worried about your child.

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